Ignition pickups ?

discussions specific to the 750 Paso

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Ignition pickups ?

Post by Stepaso »

My 1988 White Limited Paso #754059 started running on one cylinder the other day, on the way back from a 40klm ride to get an ice cream through classic North Auckland back country twisty bush clad roads with no-one else on them ... every time I stopped the motor would cool down and it would go again on 2 cylinders.
limping home and after tracing no spark on the horizontal cylinder I found one of the pickups had gone open circuit, the other was 95ohm.
The bike is ex America so has Kokusan Densi ignition electrics, After lots of research I find I can get a new set for about $500 NZ$ but there is discussion on this board where people have used the pickup from a Fiat Uno, the only other info is they cost $19.

Can anyone offer any leads to reasonably priced parts or the part number of the Fiat Uno pickup ?
Ducati OE# 26010011A

Regards Stephen

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Re: Ignition pickups ?

Post by angelix »

IGnitech in Czech republic sells an alternative replacement , however in NZ there is LIAM VENTER at Fast Bike GEAR (NZ!!) he has the replacement in stock for 49NZ$...

http://www.fastbikegear.co.nz/index.php ... ts_id=6792

he is also developer and importer for IGNITECH, he might be able to help you with a full set up with hall sensors instead of the traditional pickups. He has a kit for the 900 , but i think the same can or could be adapted to the 750, really worth giving him a call.

your pickups... would just be the pickups wiring going bad, it tends to crack so it could be something simple to fix, but I would go all the way and either replace them with new ones available through IGNITECH or FASTBIKE GEAR
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Re: Ignition pickups ?

Post by higgy »

For the more adventurous among us:


https://www.facebook.com/HandHeldDyno/ ---) these guys have interesting conversations but seem to be perpetually sold out or in production and almost all they do is much cheaper some where else
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