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Electrical Puzzle

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:14 pm
by DucSoup
I am trying to get my Paso running again. It has a history of electrical problems. Would someone be kind and tell me why my flywheel cover looks different than the one pictured here in Paso World? Also, if you have a spare moment or two would you look at all the pictures on my Paso electrical page ( ... index.html) and tell me if what I have looks different from yours?

One last request. Is there a page or article that lists all available replacment electrical units and contacts for those companies? I hear that the Digiplex is no longer available and that the Kokosun(sp?) is a better way to go in any case. Are there others besides Kokosun?

Flywheel covers -

Mine is at: ... pickup.jpg

The one here is at: ... _photo.php

Thanks a lot for your time.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:15 pm
by Skins

Hey, DucSoup! I do hope we can help you get your Paso running well again. Sounds like you've had a bad time - that's terrible about your bike sitting in that shop for so long. When you get your bike going again, go and park in front of the shop, leave it idling, go in, walk around, say in a loud voice 'Bad vibes in here!' (or something similar) walk out, and ride away.

Your electrics certainly look different to mine. I have Kokusan. I recently installed the relay mods designed by Gerhard and Jon Slocum to cure difficult starting, and my bike is running beautifully again. The installation was not difficult for me to do on the Kokusan system, even though I'm not good with electrics.

I think all alternator covers have only one pickup lead coming out, but there are two wires inside, coming from two pickups.

From what I have read, the Kokusan system is better than Digiplex. You may have to convert, and install the Gerhard/Slocum mods. If you spend some time on the web, you should be able to find the required information and sources. I'll let you know if I see anything.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 1:15 pm
by DucSoup
Ah, when I spell it right there are a lot more links to "Kokusan" out there. Any lead as to which unit I should be looking for? Any dealers worthy of note that I should patronize?

I have the "750 Paso Wiring Upgrade" .pdf. Is that the one you mention? There are a few interesting things about that article. One is that two coils are on one side of the bike (left). My paso has one coil on each side of the bike. The other is that he clearly shows teo "ignition box" units whereas I have the Digiplex. I am presuming that there is more to the Kokusan conversion than just these two boxes.

Well, I guess I'll go out to the garage and get the fairings taken off and find a place them. I am looking forward to any more information that anyone might have or be able to point me to.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:12 pm
by Jose
Estimado...... DucSoup. No se exactamente cual es tu problema. Por lo que he podido entender es que con el encendido tienes problemas. Es difícil de diagnosticar el fallo desde aquí.. Para cambiar todo el sistema supongo que lo tendrás todo roto.

Si tu intención es de hacer un cambio de DIGIPLEX al sistema KOKUSAN es una transformación fácil de realizar y cara de pagar. Al parecer tu PASO 750 fuero unos de los últimos modelos y de hay pasaron al modelo 906 que es el mismo sistema de encendido que montas usted. Por lo que he podido ver en unas fotos creo que no es complicado instalarle todo el sistema de encendido KOKUSAN, solo tengo una duda y es si tiene los anclajes para los sensores magnético (PICK-UP) que tienes que colocar, lo demás, es simplemente remplazar por las piezas oportunas. Encunato a los repuestos no es complicado puesto que DUCATI dispone de todas las piezas de la PASO. No se como en tu país funciona la distribuidora OFICIAL DE DUCATI., en el caso de España es todo un lujo.

Por si te sirve de algo las piezas necesarias son estas:
-PICK-UP REF:036946260
Lo demás son cables clemas y trabajo.

Con esto espero darte alguna esperanza, en mi opinión creo que no tienes ningún problema de realizar la transformación. YO DIGO SIEMPRE .....QUE TODO EN ESTA VIDA SE PUEDE REALIZAR CON LAS MANOS Y LA TENAZIDAD DE CADA UNO. SOLO LO IMPIDE LA MUERTE.

Hasta otra amigo. JOSE!!! :thumbup:

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:19 pm
by Skins
Yeah, I believe that is the pdf that has helped a lot of owners - including me.

There is a site member called 'ahdoman' (see the topic 'What the heck is wrong with my Paso - a challenge') who I believe has the same electrics as you. I think his problem is valve admustment - not electrical - but you may be able to compare notes with him re electrics.

By the way, your bike looks beautiful on your website!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:30 pm
by Skins

Hola Jose. Sabes si el DucSoup habla Espanol?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:26 pm
by Jose
Hola Skins que tal¡¡¡

Supongo que no.

Yo no se hablar en Ingles, pero traduciendo pillo algo de lo que se habla en el foro. Me gustaría dar mas información pero no quiero exponer comentarios en español por que casi nadie lo entiende.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 11:35 pm
by Skins

Bueno, Jose! Que divertido, verdad?

Has visto que yo hablo muy mal tu idioma, per intentare traducir todo que quieres exponer. Quizas, si lo haga demasiado mal, otra venga para ayudarme. Lo mas importante es que tenemos aqui lo mejor informacion.

Estoy muy occupado ahora, pero intentare traducier arriba hoy mas tarde.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:00 am
by Skins
Hey, DucSoup!

I don't suppose you speak Spanish, by any chance, do you? Jose has some information above about converting to Kokusan electrics. I'll try to translate it later today - I'm real busy just now. If anyone else wants to do the translation - go for it!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:07 am
by ahdoman
Hey Duc Soup! Ahdoman here! It is good to see another Paso owner who also has no idea where his electronics came from or how to fix them! I was beginning to think that I was the only Paso owner who did not "fit in the mold". My Paso is exacly the same as yours, blue with the Magnetti Marelli electronics. Unfortunately I have yet to get a manual or anything to give me a clue as to what or how our bikes are wired and specs on the electronics. I am in the process of hunting down a mysterious "power down" issue with my bike currently. Please let me know what you find out about the Kukosan upgrades.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 8:48 am
by Skins
FROM JOSE (ABOVE) - Translated by Skins.

Esteemed ... DuckSoup. I don’t know exactly what your problem is. What I have been able to understand is that you have problems with your ignition. It’s difficult to diagnose the fault from here. To be changing the whole system, I suppose it’s all bad.

If you intend to change from a DIGIPLEX to a KOKUSAN system, it’s an easy but expensive change to make. It seems your Paso 750 was one of the last models, and from there they went onto the 906, which is the same ignition system you have. From what I have seen in photos there is nothing complicated about installing the whole KOKUSAN ignition system, the only doubt I have is whether you have the mounts for the PICK UPS which you’ll have to get hold of, otherwise it’s simply replacing the appropriate parts. Finding the answers to the questions isn’t complicated since DUCATI lists all the parts for the PASO. I don’t know how the OFFICIAL DUCATI distributorship works in your country, in Spain it’s a luxury. (By which I guess he means it’s rare – hard to find. Skins)

If it helps, the required parts are these:
- PICK UP REF:036946260
- ELECTRONIC DEVICE REF: 036938610 (also called ‘Sender Unit’, ‘Black Box’ etc. Skins)
Otherwise, there’s cables, good luck, and work.

With this I’d like to give you some encouragement, in my opinion I don’t believe you’ll have any problem making the conversion. I ALWAYS SAY … THAT EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE IS POSSIBLE WITH THE HANDS AND THE TENACITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL. ONLY DEATH CAN PREVENT THAT.

Until another time friend. JOSE!!!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 9:07 am
by Rodney
:confused: just a silly question but have you tested the coils for shorts or the voltage at the coils as the digiplexer is only doing the firing time really so should not fail easily because the coils could be
breaking down under heat or load

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:17 pm
by DucSoup
Jose wrote:Estimado...... DucSoup. No se exactamente cual es tu problema. ...:

Gracias por sus palabras y explaination buenos. Deseo que tenía tiempo para escribir más pero que debo ir a trabajar. Miraré para arriba los números de pieza que usted recomienda. Tengo también comprar una batería nueva antes cualquier cosa .

Una vez más de agradecimiento.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:31 pm
by DucSoup
Skins wrote:Hey, DucSoup!
I don't suppose you speak Spanish, by any chance, do you? Jose has some information above about converting to Kokusan electrics. I'll try to translate it later today - I'm real busy just now. If anyone else wants to do the translation - go for it!

Realmente, hable un poquito Espanol pero no mas. Bastantes para conseguirme en apuro. ;). Puedo conseguir generalmente un cuarto, una comida, cervezas, y direcciones al de baño. Es bastante, mucho del tiempo.

Gracias, (and thanks for the translation - it was better than mine!)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:39 pm
by DucSoup
Rodney wrote: ... the coils could be breaking down under heat or load

No, I have not tested the coils. It sounds like there is some merit to doing so before I tear into the rest of the mess. However, being a complete novice to this I have to ask - how do I run that test? If it involves anything more than a multi-mater I may be out of luck. I do not have an oscilliscope and my friends with such stuff are all back in California. :( I was told it might also be the transducers (about $200). I am clueless as to how to test for that also. Thanks for the pointer!