Yet another project

discussion about the 750 Sport and '89/'90 900SS, which share many mechanicals with the Paso series
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2021 12:22 pm
model: 750 Sport
year: 1991
Location: The Fens, UK

Re: Yet another project

Post by nr. »

Very quick update in lieu of a new blog post soon! Lots of things happening in the workshop. But mainly, the 750 Sport is now complete, running, and has an MOT test:


The electrical gremlins last time out was, unsurprisingly, the fusebox. I just needed to take it apart and clean it all up, and all is good now. The TZR250 headlight works just fine, with a little bit of work on the top fairing to help clearance. I also finally got around to fitting a tank breather, as the internal one is completely blocked. I think I mentioned the dyno runs before, but a quick run up to temperature on my local dyno showed a healthy fuelling and just over 60bhp at the wheel - which I 'm happy with, mainly as none of the gears attempted to exit the cases under load.

So that's it for phase one of this project. I can either ride it as it is for the summer, or take it apart again for a proper restoration rather than a rebuild, or sell it to let someone else have the pleasure of riding it while I concentrate on the next project.

Of course, it's up for sale. I now have four bikes in the garage (the Morini Dart, the 748, the FZ750 in the background there, and the 750 Sport). I can't possibly ride four bikes, and I have no room for them all - so the 750 is going to be sold to fund the next project.

Thanks to everyone here for helping out with questions and advice when needed - I'm going to continue hanging around here so I can watch the other projects coming together, and who knows, I may well end up with a 900SuperSport in the garage one day anyway.

Cheers all,
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