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Is this normal?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:48 am
by Giscard
My familiarisation with my non-running Paso continues. As it had been idle for about 4 years I felt that putting some oil into the spark plug holes would be wise. Turning the engine over by hand using the rear wheel with the bike in gear reveals a noise like a ratchet from inside the alternator cover. Turning it over faster seems to eliminate this. I assume this must be related to the starter mechanism as I imagine the starter drive may be permanently engaged and not use a bendix type engagement. The starter does not work so I can not try this although I think the problem with that may be due to the solenoid, but that is another story.

Is this noise normal or is it something else I may need to add to my list ?

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:55 pm
by Giscard
OK perhaps I did not explain very clearly what I was after with the original posting.

Can anyone tell me exactly how the starter motor engages when the starter is activated and what it engages with. I have looked at the manual but it doesn't help me visualise it. Does anyone have a picture or can point me in the direction of a clear diagram so that I can decide whether it is something I need to dismantle. I keep reading about a sprag clutch but really do not have a clue as to what it is or how it functions.


Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:01 pm
by higgy