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Broken Left Side Cover question

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:02 pm
by NavyOgre
Does anyone know from which actual aluminum alloy the 907ie/Paso side covers were cast?

Background: Yes, I was STUPID. My stator died an untimely death due to wear on the output cable at the engine case. I gathered a bunch of reference material, including downloads from this forum, concerning the process of pulling the left side cover. I even had a cardboard mask for the removed screws. Long story short, I missed the very short screw under the clutch slave cylinder after it’s removal. When I started pulling the cover and found it “sticking” I even went back and looked for missed screws. I was “aided” and “supervised” in this endeavor by my brother-in-law, whose primary skill in life is mooching off family and friends. Needless to say I was more focused on NOT screaming at him than what I was doing on the bike (solely to preserve peace with his sister/my spouse) and over-torqued the puller before finding the forgotten screw. Yes, even using the DesmoTimes correct, short-handled, cover puller you can put enough anger-fueled muscle on the cover to crack the hell out of it. Picture a large capital “F” starting near that screw and leading up into the “tail” of the cover. I’ll try to post pictures later.

Said covers are apparently platinum-plated, diamond-encrusted unobtanium. Several Ducati dealers and parts sources have openly chuckled at my queries concerning a replacement.

Anyway, I’ve also consulted with several welders, who despite estimates of $200-500, are hesitant to weld on AlMg or AlTi alloys without better info, hence my initial question.

Alternatively I am considering cleaning up the crack. With a dremel tool, providing as much “tooth as possible with fine bits, and doing careful buildup with JB Weld then recontouring and repainting the resultant cover. I would start with it screwed snuggly in place prior to the initial outer buildup, then removing the cover when the cracks are properly aligned/fixed to finish off the interior surfaces and edge.

Any advice or direction would be appreciated.

Re: Broken Left Side Cover question

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:18 pm
by NavyOgre
F4DD0F95-B939-4EC0-B60B-308A86CFFB6F.jpeg (342.77 KiB) Viewed 8287 times
AFBA8B59-2A8E-4A8A-AE1B-43FD8D5730D4.jpeg (231.75 KiB) Viewed 8287 times

Re: Broken Left Side Cover question

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:48 am
by Thebenelliman
That crack is in a nasty place and is misaligned I think a new or good second hand case is the answer. I hope someone on here can steer you in the right direction or may have one they could part with. We all have a annoying relatives my brother in laws head is the size of the moon where motorcycles are concerned.He apparently has seen it and done it many times before you have!

Re: Broken Left Side Cover question

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:47 pm
by paso750
I'd try Rudy ( ) or Ed Milich at Ducpower. Maybe one of them has one in stock.

Re: Broken Left Side Cover question

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 7:09 am
by Mc tool
That aint so bad , my Mrs has 9 brothers and 2 sisters , 2 brothers are ok the rest.........are not .
Am sorry to say I think your going to need another cover. That one looks to hard to fix properly, specially as it involves a gasket surface