New care taker

discussions specific to the 907IE
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:20 pm
model: 907 I.E.
year: 1992
Location: Massachusetts, USA

New care taker

Post by 515moto »

I Recently took in this 907 after sitting for some unknown amount of time. Mileage is 3,7xx
It's amazingly preserved in showroom like condition. Nothing is weathered, stripped, damaged, aged, or discolored. The only age related problem I had getting it running was the fuel hoses inside the tank were dried, cracked, and otherwise looked like a irrigation system at watering time when turning on the key.
It seems to have the original dry rotted front tire based on the 1991 date code
and a replacement rear, in good condition but too old to run based on the 1994 date code.
New Belts from CA Cycleworks
in tank fuel filter and hoses
cleaned the clogged injectors
new battery
and it jumped right to life
I thought I'd share it here.
I offered the owner $4k before getting it running but he wasn't having it. I think he paid around $2800 for it.
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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:48 pm
model: 907 I.E.
year: 1992
Location: USA

Re: New care taker

Post by pucdust »

Great looking ride. I too just took in a low mileage (625!) 907 that has been sitting for most of its life. The tank was full but almost solid sludge. Ironically, that is what probably kept the tank from rusting. when all cleaned out, it was perfect. I look forward to share some pics soon. I'm in the process of detailing it and getting ready to either ride it or sell it.
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